Revitalizing Your Church Budget

Season #2

Gary sits down with Jana Moritz and talks about the general ways a church can revitalize its budgets and create a value of generosity within its church.

8 Steps to Revitalizing Your Budget

Increasing Generosity and Developing Extravagant Givers in Your Church

I think the struggle most churches have is not having enough money in their budget to do the things they feel they need to do.

We live in the constant tension of trying to manage expenses, lead the church forward, and increase contributions and revenue.

This topic could be a whole day’s conference. There is so much that we could talk about and dive into. And each church represented here is probably dealing with unique circumstances and situations.

So what we are going to talk about today are 8 steps that everyone can take to start the process of Revitalizing Your Budget. These 8 steps we are constantly looking at and evaluating. These are not steps or principles that you will say “Oh, check that one off”. We can stop focusing on that one and move on.

On the contrary, these are things that you will always have to evaluate and seek to improve on. You are going to have to push yourselves in these areas.

Also check our the new course launch and many extras called, Preparation for Church Revitalization.