faith holy spirit prayer revived

By Dr. Gary J. Moritz
This season is a time to realign, readjust, renew, and revitalize ourselves and our prayer life. Imagine if every leader captured and embraced the mission. Imagine if every community was looking to their local church for hope. Imagine if every family in your church came to you and said, "Pastor, whatever it takes to reach our community, we will do it!"

In Acts 4:23-37, we see seven traits of a revitalized church that pivoted to make structural changes to their prayer life during a tough season, and out of it flowed everything else. In a revitalized church …

1. Prayer is a priority.
In a praying church, there is a recognition of the supreme importance of revitalized prayer. Therefore, there is a spontaneous desire for worship (vs. 23-24a).

"After they were released, they went to their people and reported everything the chief priests and the elders had said. 24 When they heard this, they raised their voices together to God" -- Acts 4:23-24 (CSB)

I have heard that if you want to guarantee a small crowd at church, announce a prayer meeting. I am here to tell you - if you wish to have a revived church, have a prayer meeting. We need to repent of our lack of communication with our Lord. This action must be a structural change we pivot to. We must stand together, raise our voices to Almighty God, and ask Him to move.

2. Faith is essential.
In a praying church, the eyes of faith and expectancy are revitalized towards the Lord (vs. 24b-28).

As a pastor and leader, remember your call. Remember who has called you to lead at this time, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This passage states, "After they were threatened ..." Threats should not stop you. Do what the first church did. In verse 24, they raised their voices together to God. Start praying and then believe that Jesus can do it! It's not about, "Let me check with the deacons. Let's wait for our next business meeting." You go to God first.

3. Obedience is natural.
In a praying church, there is a revitalized desire to obey the Lord's commission to evangelize the world (v 29). The first church desired to speak the Word with all boldness. The church right now needs to speak with courage and stand in the gap for a spiritual structural change for our nation.

Tough seasons will produce two types of leaders, "Pioneers" and "Settlers." The Pioneer craves to check out the new territory, the original dream. The Settler desires to hunker down. I thank God for both, but the bold, pioneering leader will be the one that breaks future ground for the gospel. It's not time to give up and quit. Remember 1 Thessalonians 5:24 "He who calls you is faithful; he will do it." Now is the time to ask the Lord to grant you the ability to speak His Word with boldness.

4. The supernatural is expected.

In a praying church, a revitalized faith begs Jesus to work (v 30). What are the miracles you are praying for through the name of Jesus in your life, church, and community? Let's face it. We cannot have the attitude that God cannot work in our church and community. We need to pray that Jesus will save our neighbors and our neighborhood. What miracles are you praying for today?
5. The Holy Spirit is evident.
In a praying church, the Holy Spirit manifests His presence and power, revitalizing us (vs. 31a, c). The Bible says in verse 31, "When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God boldly." The Spirit of God brings dead things back to life. Without life, all you have is death.
Can God work in your church, or is He just something on the schedule? When the early Christians prayed, the place was shaken. Imagine if you prayed, God shook your area, and the whole community pivoted towards something greater. Remember, you blow up if you have too much of the Spirit. If you have too little of the Spirit, you dry up. But if you stay balanced and dependent on Jesus, you grow up in Him.

6. The gospel is primary
In a praying church, there is a mighty power that preaches the gospel, revitalizing the mission. Verse 31says that they "… began to speak the word of God boldly". In an auditory culture with no social media and technology, shouting to be heard was needed to get a message across to a group of people. Preach means to proclaim; when one proclaims, it should be bold. Then the people notice.

Something is wrong if people do not preach and proclaim the Word of God. The gospel needs to move from the seats to the streets and into the homes of our communities. It is time to rethink, realign, and beg God to revitalize our hearts towards a gospel mission so that people can hear, follow, and believe Jesus.

7. Grace is embraced.
In a praying church, there is revitalized and prioritized grace in the lives of God's people (vs. 32-37). The story in Acts closes with great power as the apostles testified to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. It says that great grace was on all of them.

As followers of Christ, we must be One. We must think of ourselves as one kingdom team with one kingdom dream to see people come to Christ by the thousands. There is beauty in the statement, "And great grace was upon all of them … they were giving testimony to the resurrected Lord."

Get ready and prepare for the next season and the new year. Reflect where you have been and ask God where you need to go next. He has called you to more extraordinary things. Dream again and prepare well because God will do it.

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