Staffing issues in church revitalization can be frustrating. There are seasons when your
staff can become stuck and set in their ways and thinking. This can result in barriers that
stop the church from moving forward. Typically, when a new staff member joins a church
staff team, there is a sense of excitement. They are fresh with lots of new ideas, but over
time that excitement can begin to wan.
As a revitalization pastor, one of your jobs is to keep your team engaged in the growth and
health of the church. You must continually encourage them to progress forward in their
personal and professional growth. When your staff is thriving and growing, chances are
your church will thrive and grow too.
When you start to see a staff member begin to fade or become stuck, it’s time to help them
get re-engaged. Here are some things you can do in the revitalization process that can help
them reengage.
Give a Focus and a Purpose to the Year
As a leader, it is your job to focus your team on the direction of the church not just the day-
to-day tasks. Your team should have a plan for the day, goals for the week, a view of the
month, a snapshot of three months, and a vision for the year. At the end of each milestone,
there needs to be time for rest, recovery, and celebration. This helps your staff feel
appreciated and gives them time to fully engage in the next milestone. Make sure you have
a place where your team can see the year's flows and focuses. This place can be a room,
calendar, or designated webpage that only staff can see. Keeping them focused on the
direction you are heading in can help keep them from getting stuck.
Give Recognition for Achievement
People need to know that they are appreciated and that their work matters. Your staff
should be rewarded for their achievements and hard work. In church revitalization, it can
feel like a continual push forward. If you do not take time to recognize and celebrate what
has been accomplished, the hearts and moods of your staff will diminish. Schedule time in
your calendar to pause, visit with each staff member, honor their hard work, and do
something to make them feel appreciated. Often it doesn’t take much encouragement to lift
someone’s mood and spirits. A hand-written note, gift card, a public “thank you”, or a
special lunch can go a long way to refresh and restore your staff.
Give Time Off to Grow and Dream
Make sure your staff is taking the time to rest and pursue their passions. Church
revitalization is not always about working hard. It is also about resting well. There are
seasons when your staff will have to work very hard and push forward strong. Then there
must be seasons when they can rest and relax. Make sure your team is taking their Sabbath
and encourage them to take time with their family. Also, encourage them to grow and dream both personally and professionally. Challenge them to set goals for themselves, their
work, and their family and then do what you can to help them achieve them.
Give Time to Network and Build
Your staff must network with other churches and organizations. Collaboration with other
leaders and participating in learning communities are what will make them thrive. Make
sure you provide opportunities for them to attend conferences, webinars, and lunches in
their specific area of focus. Give them the freedom and authority to find new pathways to make
your church better for the future. Strive to make your church a place to learn and grow.
Nobody grows up sitting at a desk or in a cubical all day. People grow when they are stretched
in their thinking, and conversations and dialogue with other leaders can help facilitate this.
Then provide opportunities for them to share with the team what they have learned. This
will build excitement with everyone.
Your church will grow based on the level of growth of you and your staff. If you want your
church to be revitalized, you must make sure that you and your staff stay revitalized. Do
whatever it takes to help keep your staff from becoming stuck in their role.
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