4 Steps to Revitalize Giving in a “Cash-Strapped” Church

Many churches struggle to make ends meet in today's challenging economic climate. According to Vanco Research, The average giving amount per churchgoer is $17 per week (Health Research Funding). That’s $73.67 a month per giver. That’s $884 a year per giver.
U.S. Christians collectively make $5.2 trillion annually — nearly half the world’s total Christian income (Health Research Funding). If your congregation is facing financial difficulties, you're not alone. The good news is that you can inspire your members to give generously and help put your church on solid financial footing with the right approach. Here are four proven steps to engage people and encourage giving through your local church.
Step 1: Cultivate a Culture of Generosity
The foundation of a financially healthy church is a congregation that understands and embraces the biblical principle of generosity. This isn't about guilt-tripping or pressuring people to give; it's about fostering an environment where giving is seen as a joyful act of worship and a natural expression of faith.
Start by incorporating teachings on stewardship and generosity into your regular sermons and Bible studies. You teach it from kids to adults. Use scripture to illustrate God's heart for generosity and how it aligns with His character. Passages like 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 or Malachi 3:10 can be powerful starting points for these discussions.
Next, share stories that demonstrate the impact of giving. Has a family in need been helped through the church's benevolence fund? Has the youth group been able to go on a life-changing mission trip because of the congregation's generosity? These real-life examples help people see that their contributions make a tangible difference.
Remember to celebrate acts of generosity, both big and small. This could be as simple as a thankful mention during announcements or a feature in the church newsletter. People are more likely to participate when they see generosity being recognized and appreciated.
Lastly, remember that leadership sets the tone. Ensure that your pastoral staff and church leaders are visibly committed to giving. When leaders are transparent about their own generosity, it inspires others to follow suit.
Step 2: Implement Transparent Financial Communication
Trust is crucial when it comes to church finances. People are more likely to give when they understand where their money is going and how it's being used to further the church's mission
Start by providing regular financial updates to the congregation. This could be a monthly report in the bulletin, a quarterly presentation during a church service, or even a dedicated financial town hall meeting. Be clear about the church's financial needs and goals. If you're trying to raise funds for a specific project or to meet a particular budget shortfall, communicate that clearly.
Take the time to explain how donations are used to support various ministries and outreach efforts. Break down the budget into understandable categories and show how each dollar contributes to the church's overall mission. This helps donors see the direct impact of their giving.
If your church is facing financial challenges, be open about it. Invite the congregation into the problem-solving process. You might be surprised at the creative solutions that emerge when you tap into your members' collective wisdom and experience.
Step 3: Diversify Giving Methods
In our increasingly digital world, it's crucial to offer a variety of giving methods to accommodate different preferences and habits. The easier you make it for people to give, the more likely they are to do so regularly.
Start by setting up online and mobile giving options if you haven't already. Many people, especially younger generations, rarely carry cash or checkbooks. They're much more likely to give if they can do so with a few taps on their smartphone.
Consider implementing a text-to-give system, which allows people to donate by simply sending a text message. This can be particularly effective for spontaneous giving moments during services or events.
Don't forget about automatic recurring donations. Many people find it easier to budget for giving when it's set up as a regular, automatic transaction. Provide clear instructions on how to set this up and emphasize the convenience and consistency it offers.
While embracing digital options, remember that some members may still prefer traditional methods. Continue to offer giving envelopes and have a physical donation box or basket available during services.
Step 4: Launch a Focused Giving Campaign
Sometimes, a specific campaign can energize your congregation and inspire increased giving. Start by setting a clear, achievable fundraising goal. This could be tied to a particular project, like a building renovation, or to a broader vision, like expanding your community outreach programs.
Create a compelling narrative around your campaign. Give it a catchy name that encapsulates its purpose, like "Building for the Future" or "Expanding Our Community Impact." Use this narrative consistently in your communications about the campaign.
Visual aids can be powerful motivators. Consider creating a thermometer-style chart to track progress towards your goal and display it prominently in your church. Update it regularly to maintain excitement and momentum.
Encourage pledges or commitments for regular giving as part of the campaign. This can help create a sustainable increase in donations beyond the initial push.
If possible, set up a matching gift challenge. This could involve a generous donor (or group of donors) agreeing to match donations up to a certain amount. The prospect of doubling their impact can be a strong motivator for many givers.
Remember, successful fundraising in a church context is about more than just asking for money. It's about inspiring people to participate in God's work through their resources. Always tie giving to the broader vision and impact of the church in people's lives and in the community.
By implementing these four easy steps - cultivating generosity, communicating transparently, diversifying giving methods, and launching focused campaigns - you can create a culture of joyful giving in your church. Even in challenging financial times, you can empower your congregation to support the church's mission and experience the blessings of generosity.
Source: https://www.vancopayments.com/egiving/asset-church-giving-statistics-tithing
Photo: Fabian Bank
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